7 Healthy Habits to Incorporate Into Your Daily Routine

Hi friends, welcome back to the blog!
For those of you who know me well…
Then you probably know how obsessed I am with my routine and healthy habits.
I always feel SOOO much better when I’m able to stick to my daily routine and keep up with my healthy habits throughout the day.
This whole period of Coronavirus has honestly taken a toll on my ability to stick to my routine.
Not to mention I moved from my college house, to my mom’s house and then all the way from New York to North Carolina… in the matter of 2 ½ months.
So, to be frank, life has been totally crazy and overwhelming. However…
Now that I’ve officially been living in North Carolina for a little bit, I’m ready to finally get back into my routine and begin adding my healthy habits back.
I have a post all about how to get back into a fitness routine and healthy habits, so while following that, I thought I’d share some of my daily habits that are crucial to a successful day.
I can guarantee you will feel clear headed, energized and ready to take on the world if you follow these 7 simple habits on a daily basis.
7 Healthy Habits to Add To Your Daily Routine:
Drink a Gallon of Water a Day
I know, I know a gallon is a TON of water! Believe me….
This habit can be hard to add into your routine if you aren’t used to drinking a lot of water throughout the day.
However, especially if you live somewhere warm like I do, are working out, taking walks, etc then you need to be drinking plenty of water for optimal health!
Drinking a gallon of water a day has helped me stay focused, alleviate headaches, limit mindless snacking and overall has given me so much more energy.
No more mid day slump! If you have trouble keeping track of your water intake like me, download an app that will track your water intake. This is the one I love.
Have Half of Your Plate Be Vegetables
I love this habit because vegetables are often forgotten about by so many but are crucial to a healthy diet!
Vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber. If you fill your plate with at least half of it being vegetables, I guarantee you will feel more full and satisfied for longer.
One of the easiest ways I add lots of greens to my breakfast is through adding a big handful of spinach to my smoothie. Although, not necessarily a plate example, I make sure most of my smoothie is full of greens.
Another great alternative is having eggs with a side of spinach, and mushrooms in the morning.
Take Daily Walks
This is one of my favorite habits because aside from my workout, I’m usually sitting at a desk for the rest of the day.
Being inactive for most of the day causes so much fatigue, at least from what I have noticed. To combat this fatigue, and specifically the midday slump, I like to take walks.
I try to aim for at least 30 minutes, but I’m telling you, even just a short 10 minute walk is a total game changer for mood and overall energy.
It helps to get me up and moving from my desk and gives me the perfect boost I need during the day.
When I say disconnect, I mainly mean from social media, your phone or technology in general.
I used to wake on in the morning and instantly scroll on social media. Before I knew it I had been scrolling for an hour and had started my day off on the wrong foot.
Now, I don’t even look at my phone unless it’s to play music during my workout or to listen to a podcast until my whole morning routine is finished.
This simple habit will help you to stay focused on your day ahead, connect with your loved ones in real life and allow you to spend more time doing the things that are important to you rather than wrapped up in what everyone else is doing.
I like to disconnect at night as well at least an hour before bed.
Tongue Scrape
I first learned about tongue scraping from The Skinny Confidential Podcast and my oh my is it the best thing ever.
Don’t get me wrong it is disgusting but your mouth will feel so much better after.
I like to buy a stainless steel tongue scraper, and as soon as I wake up the first thing ill do is scrape my tongue.. Cute, right?
Basically the tongue scraper gets all the gunk and bacteria that formed on your tongue overnight off of it, so you don’t swallow it.
It also helps with morning breath so I highly recommend it.
Read & Write
The best escape from all the crap swirling around in our heads everyday is to read and write.
I read every night before bed for about 30 minutes. This helps me wind down, and gives me time to myself.
I also like to journal either in the morning or before bed. I’ll either write down my thoughts or do a journal response from this book.
Doing devotionals are also a fav way for me to stay connected to my faith.
When people think of fitness they often forget that stretching is crucial for your body’s mobility and health.
All that you need to do is spend 10 minutes of the day stretching out all areas of your body. I like to do dynamic stretching before workouts and static stretching after workouts.
But, you could also stretch in the morning or before bed if that fits into your schedule better.
All I’m saying is that stretching will ultimately help your body stay healthy, help with functional mobility, improve muscle soreness, etc.
Well that’s all for today!
I truly hope you guys find this post helpful and it gave you some tangible habits that you can incorporate into your daily routine.
Let me know what some of your healthy habits are — Comment Below!
Sending you guys lots of love,