Today’s blog post is going to be all about my gym bag essentials.
I’m a big gym-goer. I started my fitness journey and weight lifting a little over a year ago and fell in love with it.
Over the last year, I picked up some tips and tricks — including the essentials for everyone’s gym bag.
Here in NY, gyms still aren’t open due to the COVID pandemic but…
You can look back at this post when you are headed back to the gym and need some motivation to get back into your fitness routine.
Gym Bag Essentials:
At the end of the day, your gym bag is 100% personal preference. Everyone goes to the gym at different times so some of the things listed below might not be necessary for you.
I usually go to the gym early in the morning or around late afternoon so…
I find that I don’t always need to bring spare clothes with me or makeup to get ready for the day.

Water Bottle
A water bottle is essential for any workout — gym based or not.
I love this one from Amazon because it’s basically a cheaper version of a Hydroflask. I own the 32oz and ALWAYS fill her up with some ice and water before heading to the gym.
There’s nothing worse than forgetting your headphones when you go to the gym.
It seriously makes your workout drag on and on…
My favorite headphones to work out in are Airpods because they are Bluetooth based and easy to wear. Not to mention the BOMB noise canceling on the new Airpod Pros.
Ankle weights, Booty Bands, equipment Attachments
I do a lot of booty-based workouts so I make sure to always pack ankle weights, booty bands, and any necessary attachments for machines.
Booty bands are great for making hip thrusts target your glute muscles. I use ankle weights for when I do donkey kicks, rainbows, kickbacks, etc.
Lastly, some gyms don’t always have the correct attachments for booty workouts for cable machines, so when I plan to use the cable machines for leg workouts I always bring this attachment.
Fitness Watch
I love using a fitness tracker when I am working out. My boyfriend, Matt, actually got me this one for my birthday and it’s the best!
Fitness watches are great if you like to track your workout length, calories burned, and heart rate. I also like that I can track my steps throughout the day to let me know if I am being active enough.
Blender Bottle with Preworkout/ BCAAs
Since I bring an actual water bottle for just water, i’ll bring a separate blender bottle with me to drink my preworkout and post workout BCAAs. I actually have a blender bottle that has a little container that can attach to the bottom of it for your supplements. So I will keep my BCAAs in the bottom compartment while I drink my pre workout and then at the end of my workout will pop the BCAAs in the cup, add water and shake.
Towel, Toiletries and Flip Flops
If you need to shower at the gym make sure to pack a towel, flip flops for the shower, and any toiletry items you may need like shampoo, body wash, razor, makeup and deodorant.
Dry shampoo
Sometimes after Matt and I work out we will go grocery shopping or head around on errands…
I like to toss dry shampoo in my hair after a workout to make sure it doesn’t look super sweaty.
Whether that be your workout clothes if you are coming from work or extra clothes to change into after your workout it is always important to pack your clothing you need in your gym bag.
Body & Face Wipes
If i go to the gym with makeup on, I ALWAYS take it off with a makeup wipe that I keep in my gym bag.
I don’t like wearing any face makeup at the gym because it causes my skin to breakout. I also will put some form of body wipe in my bag in case I am in a time pinch and need to quickly wipe down my body after a workout.
Protein Filled Snack
I like to bring a protein-filled snack with me in my gym bag. Especially if I’m going out and about after my workout.
You could pack anything from protein bars to protein powder to have after your workout.
Laundry Bag
This is completely necessary… a gym bag staple if you will…
I like to use a separate laundry bag for my dirty clothes so that way they don’t get mixed up with my clean clothes. Plus, I can easily access and empty the bag at the end of the day into the laundry.
Hopefully, gyms open back up soon so you guys can utilize this post to get back into the swing of things!
Comment below if you keep anything in your gym bag you think is essential!